Delta C-7 High School

January 15, 2025
Day 74


Teachers make sure you turn in your list of students who did not return AMI work to the office by tomorrow.


Beta members: Permission slip, bundt cake orders and bills are all due today-NO EXCEPTIONS!


Anyone interested in taking the ACT in the spring, Mrs. Hawkins has posted a QR code by the office for a $5 voucher.


The Homecoming dance sign-up sheet is in the office. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday January 21. Homecoming ceremony is Friday, January 24 and the homecoming dance is Saturday, January 25 at 7:00.


Senior basketball, cheerleaders and pom please pick up a senior night info form in the office.


The PTO is having their Valentine fundraiser. If you are interested in purchasing, please turn in a form to the office by January 30. There are extra forms in the office if you need it.


There is no votech Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.